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Calendar centering time column vertically when container is larger than content on newest version

Asked by Rick
10 years ago.

Hi there,

This is something that didn't happen on my trial version (which was 7.4.2923), but does happen on the newest version (7.5.2978).

Please look at the attached screenshot. The events column is top-aligned, which is correct, but the column that shows the time blocks is centered. the inline style for the events column table cell includes "vertical-align:top", but the one for the time blocks table cell does not. Since that table cell doesn't have a class name and the first parent that does have one would affect too many cells, I can't change that using the style sheet.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

The left cell was using valign="top" which doesn't work well anymore. It's now updated - can you please try the latest sandbox build (7.5.2989)?

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