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Questions Tagged lite

BusinessHoursNoScroll not rendering args.start correctly

Answered: I confirm the bug. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build. The fix will be included in the next release.

Filter hours

Answered: In the Lite version, you can use this config: { businessBeginsHour: 8, businessEndsHour: 21, heightSpec: "BusinessHoursNoScroll" } This will display only the specified hours, but there will...

Next.js Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open-Source) i have a problem using it on mobile the controls are the problem

Answered: The open-source version doesn’t support all functionality on touch devices at the moment. For example, you can click a time slot to select it but you can’t select multiple cells by dragging. The full...

Cell Height for the event no correct

Answered: It the open-source version, the event box is always aligned with the grid cells. In the Pro version, it is possible to turn off this behavior (see exact event duration). The real start and end is hig...

Event Calendar Delete Confirmation?

Answered: When you use an async function in the event handler, calling args.preventDefault() after await has no effect as the processing continues immediately (before args.preventDefault() gets called). You ne...

Multi day selection in week view

Answered: Unfortunately, this feature is only available in the Pro version at the moment. In the open-source version, the selection is limited to a single column of the Calendar component.

Check For Overlap with Javascript

Answered: You can do it in the onEventMove event handler using the events.forRange() method: onEventMove: args => { const movedEvent = args.e; const newStart = args.newStart; const newEnd = args...

highlighting current time indicator for DayPilotCalendar?

Answered: At this moment, the Current Time Highlighting feature is only available in the Pro version of the Calendar. You can find information about feature availability in the table at the bottom of each docs...

DayPilotMonth fit parent height

Answered: At this moment, the 100% Height feature is only available in the Pro version of the Monthly calendar. You can find information about feature availability in the table at the bottom of each docs page....

Wrong className for DayPilotMonth component

Answered: You may be overlooking something. The DayPilotMonth React component indeed uses the ”month_default” CSS theme. You can check it by inspecting the DOM elements in the JavaScript demo, You can apply a ...

Collapsing/hiding hours in calendar

Answered: This is not supported in the Calendar at the moment. It is only possible in DayPilot Pro, in the Scheduler component: Hiding Time Columns in JavaScript Scheduler In the Pro version of the Calendar, y...

Modifying RTL according to locale

Answered: Unfortunately, RTL is not supported in the Lite version at the moment.

Adding Holidays on for ASP.NET tutorial

Answered: In ASP.NET WebForms, you can indeed use the BeforeCellRender event. You just need to check whether the current cell falls on one of the defined holidays. Example: // Define an array of holidays priv...

weekStarts property non-functional in DayPilotCalendar

Answered: At this moment, the weekStarts property is not available in the Lite version. However, you can set a custom week start using the locale property. If there is no built-in locale that meets your needs,...

Inconsistent type definition of events in CalendarConfig and MonthConfig (Daily/Weekly Calendar view vs Monthly Calendar view)

Answered: > in MonthConfig it is defined as “events?: EventData;” This was incorrect, and it has been fixed now in the latest release. > CalendarConfig contains a definition for the function overload “remove(i...

Business DAYS

Answered: You can use someting like this (using the options syntax): const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("dp", { onBeforeCellRender: args => { const nonBusinessDays = [4, 5, 6, 0]; if (no...

cellmarginbottom seems not to work in DayPilot Lite Monthly Control

Answered: This property was not supported in the Lite version, but it is now available in the latest release: DayPilot Lite for JavaScript 2024.3.536

Missing daypilot-react.min.d.ts declaration file in NPM package?

Answered: Seems like they added it several hours after I posted this. This is resolved and everything works perfectly!

How to ensure that the calendar fills the entire HTML page?

Answered: Unfortunately, setting the calendar height to 100% of its parent is only supported in the Pro version at the moment.

Event drag not working in corner cases in JavaScript Lite version

Answered: There was a bug in the calculation of the grid boundaries. It’s fixed now in the latest sanbox build (2024.2.525): Test:

Time is getting lost ...

Answered: If you don’t specify the field type explicitly, the modal dialog form will use a date field when dateFormat is specified. If you want to use the full date/time value I recommend using the date/time f...

daypilot-lite-angular allowEventOverlap=false

Answered: Unfortunately, the real-time event overlap protection is not supported in the Lite version at the moment. It is only available in the Pro version (see also the feature matrix). However, you can check...

select form with remote search

Answered: oeps i see you can change it to type: "searchable", so that works :-)

Cannot install DayPilot in my current Angular application

Answered: It looks like Chrome has started to report certain code as an error, even though it was acceptable before. It will be fixed shortly.

Cannot set property document of #<Window> which has only a getter in Nuxt

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest release (version 2024.1.519/3.20.1): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Calendar control; showing only busniess hours

Answered: The MVC Lite (open-source) version is no longer under active development. I recommend switching to the JavaScript Lite version. The JavaScript version lets you set the Calendar height to show only bu...

How to add style to cells

Answered: In the Pro version, you can use the onBeforeCellRender event handler to customize the calendar cells - you can add custom CSS class to selected cells or modify the appearance directly. Unfortunately,...

How can i style modal pop-up

Answered: You can either override selected styles of the built-in theme or create a custom theme and apply it using the theme property: const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.form(form, data, { theme: "my_theme" }...

how to disable single eventmoving and resizeing

Answered: At this moment, you can disable event moving and resizing for individual events only in the Pro version (using moveDisabled and resizeDisabled properties of the data object or using the onBeforeEvent...

daypilot lite API

Answered: Both onEventClick and onEventClicked are available in the Lite version. You can verify the availability of feature in the Lite version in the feature matrix or using the TypeScript definitions that a...
Questions 1-30 of 423 Next