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How to change css and html of Daypilot

Answered: You can use custom CSS easily - the best way is to generate a calendar CSS theme online. You can modify it manually as needed. In the open-source version, you can customize the inner HTML of events, ...

How to add "day of week" to the time header day

Answered: You can customize the calendar column headers using the onBeforeHeaderRender event handler: const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("calendar", { // ... headerHeight: 50, onBeforeHeaderRender...

Calendar events are not aligned when on the same line

Answered: It looks like this is caused by the custom CSS theme that you are using. I recommend checking the margins, padding, etc. If the purpose of the CSS modification was to create a free space next to the ...

Adding Holidays on for ASP.NET tutorial

Answered: In ASP.NET WebForms, you can indeed use the BeforeCellRender event. You just need to check whether the current cell falls on one of the defined holidays. Example: // Define an array of holidays priv...

Jalali Calendar

Answered: The calendar works with a Gregorian calendar internally, and the Jalali/Shamsi calendars are not directly supported. However, in the resources view, the calendar shows just a single day and the date ...

UpdateWithMessage change color MessageBox from behind

Answered: It is not possible with UpdateWithMessage() but you can use Update() to send custom data to the client and display the message bar using JavaScript using a custom CSS class. Hashtable ht = new Hashta...

weekStarts property non-functional in DayPilotCalendar

Answered: At this moment, the weekStarts property is not available in the Lite version. However, you can set a custom week start using the locale property. If there is no built-in locale that meets your needs,...

Resources Calendar does not schedule events at all

Answered: Hi Samir, With the following setup, the resource calendar will display one day on the vertical axis. As the startDate is not specified, it will use the current day for all columns/resources. <DayPilo...

Drag Shadow disappears after dragging over updating rows

Dear Daypilot Developer While working on a project at my company which uses Daypilot Scheduler I came across this weird behaviour. For context the daypilot scheduler would dynamically load the events...

How to show read only calendar

Answered: Yes, you can disable event moving using the eventMoveHandling property: { eventMoveHandling: "Disabled", // ... }
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