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Sort events in combination of 'Sort' and 'Line'

I’m looking for a way to sort my events but i’m not sure if there is a way. i want to use ‘Line’, but this is overlapping my items. This sorting is too absolute. If I use ‘Sort’ the empty spots will ...

Prevent refresh of date to today

I have added pagination to the calendar so that if I have say over 10 event on a day at the same time block, it would load 10 at a time and display the first 10 then when the next button is clicked t...

Crerating events side by side

Answered: There was an issue that prevented double click on calendar cells next to existing events from working. It was fixed in version 2025.1.6333, so make sure that you are using the latest release. I assum...

Is it possible to hide the parents and leave the children with its events visible

Answered: You can use the row filter to hide selected rows in the Scheduler. If you set rowFilterParentsAlwaysVisible to false, the parent rows that don’t match the filter will be hidden as well.

onShow weird behavior

Answered: 1. The update() method incorrectly cleared the source value, indeed. This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6384). 2. It’s not clear what exactly is going on in your onS...

Month name as title for DayPilot Month

Answered: For PostBack updates, you can place a label control above the calendar and set its text from code behind based on DayPilotMonth.StartDate value. If you change the date using a callback, you can use A...

Block Overlay / Bubble for Selecting a new event area

Answered: You can use active areas to insert blocks with custom start/end inside cells. You can find an example here (this tutorial shows how to block selected time ranges): JavaScript Scheduler: Disabling Cus...

Facing Issue While Exporting Data in Resource View

Answered: You will see this error if the Calendar component isn’t visible when calling exportAs(). That can happen if the placeholder <div> is placed inside a hidden element, for example.

New Event Background border

Answered: Sorry for the delay! This is hard to guess, but probably it’s some custom CSS. You can try turing the global CSS of temporarily to see if the problem disappears and use browser developer tools to ins...

right to left in month

Answered: Unfortunately, RTL direction is not supported in the Scheduler at the moment.
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