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Bubble not shown on Calendar when both Calendar and Scheduler on one page

Asked by Alexander Lagler
14 years ago.


whenever iput both calendar and scheduler on one page there is no bubble shown on the calendar control, but it is shown on the scheduler control. when i remove the scheduler control from markup the calendar shows the bubbles perfectly without changing any property (so the setup schould be done correctly)...

the strange thing is that switching the controls in markup and injs load order has no effect... it always suppresses the calendars bubble...

is there anything i can do?

environment in use:
DayPilot 6.0.2078.0
Coolite (Ext-Js) 0.8

Comment posted by Alexander Lagler
14 years ago.
Comment posted by Richard
14 years ago.

When will this be fixed? I have exactly the same problem with v6.1.2116.1 - with a calendar and a scheduler on the same page, whether they use the same bubble or different bubbles, only the scheduler bubble shows up. Take the scheduler off and the calendar bubbles magically appear.

Comment posted by Richard
14 years ago.

Still not fixed in 6.2 SP1. :(

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

This is now fixed in build6.2.2147 (see the sandbox) .

Comment posted by Richard
14 years ago.

Thanks. :D

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