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Events' times not matching placement on dpc

Asked by brandon
11 years ago.

I'm trying to find the problem for myself because I must've messed something up, but the problem I'm getting should probably never happen anyway. I've included a screenshot because I think that is easiest all-around. My events are not lining up with the time on the calendar axis, but they are accurate with respect to each other. I'm sorry I can't be more help, but if I knew how to re-create this problem I'd probably be able to find it myself. Have you seen this situation before? I'm looking for any help at all.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Brandon, Could you please open the HTML source of the page and send the JavaScript section starting with this code to

/* DayPilotPro: 6.9.2522.0 */
function dpc1_Init() {
var v = new DayPilot.Calendar('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_DayPilotCalendar1');

It may be slightly different depending on the DayPilot version and the control ID.

You can try to place the calendar control on an empty page (with css styles turned off) meanwhile.

Comment posted by brandon
11 years ago.

Also, the problem only happens in the week and workweek view. I have buttons on the page so the user can switch between three viewtypes. The 'resources' view works fine. And the week/workweek views were working earlier last week.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

This turned out to be a bug in StartDate property handling. Setting this property to a DateTime value that included time during a callback confused the calculations. It's now fixed in the code base (the value will be set to date only automatically). The fix will be available in the next release:

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