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Calendar Refresh

Asked by Leigh B
12 years ago.

Hi, we refresh the calendar contol whenever a user makes a booking but it takes 8 to 10 seconds for the control to refresh. Has anyone else had this problem, or any suggestions on how to resolve it?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

I would suggest using Firefox + Firebug or Chrome/IE Developer Tools to see how this time is spent.

If most of the time is spent on the server side, it will be necessary to review the event loading code (especially the DB access). You may be loading too many events from the database (you should limit the data set to a range from DayPilotScheduler.StartDate to DayPilotScheduler.StartDate.AddDays(DayPilotCalendar.Days).

To have an idea about how much time it takes to load and update an event set of a particular size, please see the following demo pages:

These demos show 10,000 events. They are using different event loading and rendering techniques so you can compare the performance.

Comment posted by Andrew
12 years ago.

We are well aware that the scheduler can handle hundreds and thousands of event rendering. But Leigh's (and my issue) is with the Calendar control. As far as I'm aware, there is no known documentation out there to drastically increase rendering time on the Calendar tool. In fact, it took me 6 mins to load a weeks view of 100 events.

I tested the loading time, and its not the problem (its a matter of milliseconds to fetch events from the DB). I think the problem is with binding events to calendar and rendering them. Any insight into how we can improve binding and rendering time would be greatly appreciated.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

I see. Let me try a few tests. Although the Calendar is not tuned as much as the Scheduler, 100 events should be no problem at all. 6 minutes equals to 3.6 seconds per event. This is what I would expect to be the total time of the client-side rendering.

I would suggest the following:

1. Please try to capture the network traffic during the update using IE 9 or higher and send the NetworkData.xml to See also here:

2. Try to profile the JavaScript activity using of the browser developer tools (IE, Chrome, Firefox + Firebug). You should see how the browser spends the time. If there is anything interesting, please send it to as well.

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