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ASP.Net MVC3 -- How to update "StartDate" field from jQuery DatePicker control?

Asked by Steve M.
11 years ago.

How would I update the "StartDate" value of the DayPilot Lite Calendar object? I'm trying to do so from Javascript using the value of a jQuery Datepicker object. Below are snippets of my implementation:

public ActionResult Backend(int productId, int archiveId)
return new Dpc(productId, archiveId, target).CallBack(this);

class Dpc : DayPilotCalendar
public Dpc(int productId, int archiveId)
this.ProductId = productId;
this.ArchiveId = archiveId;

protected override void OnInit(InitArgs e)
// ...
// data fetching, which loads "List<T>" object, and passes the ".ToArray()" output into DayPilotCalendar's "Events" property
// ...

DataIdField = "ScheduleId";
DataTextField = "Summary";
DataStartField = "Start";
DataEndField = "End";


private int ArchiveId { get; set; }
private int ProductId { get; set; }

// end of snippet

// ...

<p>Pick a date:
<br/>@Html.TextBox("txtDate", Model.LastScheduleStartDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), new { @class = "date", @maxlength = "10", @style = "width:100px;" })
<br/>@Html.TextBox("alternate", Model.LastScheduleStartDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), new { @class = "meh", @maxlength = "10", @style = "width:100px; visibility:hidden;" })</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
altField: "#alternate",
altFormat: "DD, d MM, yy"

$('#txtDate').change(function () {
var newDateTime = new Date(Date.parse($("#alternate").val()));
dpc.startDate = newDateTime;


@Html.DayPilotCalendar("dpc", new DayPilotCalendarConfig
ViewType = ViewType.Day,
WeekStarts = WeekStarts.Sunday,
BackendUrl = @resultUrl,
StartDate = @Model.LastScheduleStartDay,
CellHeight = 30,
HourWidth = 50,
Width = "98%",
ShowToolTip = true

// end of snippet

Any guidance is appreciated!

  • Steve M.
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

You should replace

dpc.startDate = newDateTime; 

with this:

dpc.commandCallBack("goto", { "start": start });

In the server-side OnCommand handler, detect e.Command == "goto", set StartDate from (DateTime) e.Data["start"] and call Update(Full);

The start variable should be either a string in ISO format or a DayPilot.Date object.

You can create a DayPilot.Date object from Date:

var start = new DayPilot.Date(newDateTime, true);

See also:

Comment posted by Steve M.
11 years ago.

I thought the "commandCallBack" was only supported in the "Pro" version -- I'm using the "Lite" version.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

It's fully supported on the server side, only the client-side method is missing. It will be added in the next release.

It is as simple as this:

        this.commandCallBack = function(command, data) {
            var params = {};
            params.command = command;
            this.callBack2('Command', data, params);

So you can either add it yourself or replace this:

dpc.commandCallBack("goto", { "start": start });

with this:

dpc.callBack2("Command", { "start": start }, { "command": "goto"});

Comment posted by Steve M.
11 years ago.

Ah, I see now. That worked perfectly; my day calendar is now updating the date and reflecting the appropriate events.

BTW, what is the CallbackUpdateType value used of the non-overloaded "Update()" call?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

It's EventsOnly. In the near future, the update mode will be detected automatically when you call Update() without parameters just like in the WebForms version.

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