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Cellduration for scheduler 1 day only

Asked by anwar
10 years ago.

in scheduler if i select one day it goes across 2 days
so if i want to make an event on the 25/09/2013 the start date is 25/09/2013
and end date is 26/09/2013 i think its because the cell duration is 1440

so it adds 1440 minutes to the start time any way to change this so it uses 12am as the starting time
rather than current time

or so the end date is same as start date

Comment posted by anwar
10 years ago.

anybody know the answer to this

Answer posted by anwar
10 years ago.

its ok i set the end date as a date variable and used date.adddays(-1) on the end date

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

This is how it works: It always uses the exact time point.

If an event starts at 2013-09-26T00:00:00 and has a duration of 1 day (24 hours) the end will be 2013-09-27T00:00:00.

Some applications need to display such end date as 2013-09-26 - you need to do this manually.

Comment posted by anwar
10 years ago.

Yes but this is useless lets say you want to check VIA sql if a date range exists it will include the 27th even though that is the end date and should not be included
1 day should be 1 day starts at 00.00 and ends at 23.59

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