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.NET 3.5 Update Panel

Asked by Rohland
17 years ago.

I recently upgraded a project to .NET 3.5. Daypilot controls inside Updatepanels do not work anymore. Is there a fix for this?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Not yet, I will be working on it right after 4.3 release.
Comment posted by Jan Marten
17 years ago.
Hi Dan,

Could you provide a status update on this issue? I am unable to find it in the changelogs nor in the roadmap and I am experiencing the same problem.

Kind regards,

Jan Marten
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I was trying to reproduce it by modifying the SQL demo but it seems to work fine with .NET Framework 3.5.

Could you please post some details about what's not working? Reproduction steps would be very helpful as well.
Comment posted by Jan Marten
17 years ago.
Hi Dan,

The problem occured when I migrated from VS2005 to VS2008 and changing the UpdatePanel from 1.0 to 3.5. Both scheduler and calendar control were not updated with new data after a postback.

I will have a look at the SQL-demo (doesn't work atm because I am not running sqlexpress but sql-standard at my computer but that should not be the real issue here).

If the problem persists I will place another message here.

Kind regards,
Jan Marten
Comment posted by Jan Marten
17 years ago.
Well, it seems that it kinda depends on the Web.Config settings. I copied the runtime settings from de SqlDemo to my project and now it works again:

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions.Design" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Thanks for posting the results.

I will of course want to get rid of that dependency and make it compatible with .NET Framework 3.5 without any web.config tweaking.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
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