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Asked by Ben
9 years ago.

I have been working on creating a proof of concept. I am trying to open up a modal window when a user double clicks on an empty cell within the resource view of the event calendar. I found the following attributes within the DayPilotCalendar: TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling and TimeRangeDoubleClickJavascript. I was having alot of issues when I would try to leverage these attributes. I continually received the following message: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get valeu of the property 'start': object is null or undefined. After looking into possibly using the context menu, I stumbled on a wierd scenario. If I right click an empty cell first, then I can double click any cell and everything works great. If I do not right click on an empty cell, the double click does not work. I verified that this issue also occurs within DayPilotTrial2012 project for visual studio (C# webforms). The way I verified was I went to the "Calendar/ResourcesView.aspx" page and modified the following attributes:

TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript="alert(start + ' ' + end + ' ' + resource); dpc.clearSelection();"

TimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript="alert(start + ' ' + end + ' ' + resource); dpc.clearSelection();"

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or if this is a bug.


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