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Remove vertical border between cells?

Asked by Bert
8 years ago.


Is there a way to remove the vertical border between cells? I'm trying to remove just the ones that are part of a single day, not the ones between two days.

I looked in the code, but each vertical line has only one css class: scheduler_default_matrix_vertical_line

And setting the background-color to transparent will hide all of them.

Is there a way to differenciate between vertical lines and hide just the ones I need?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

You will need to hide it using CSS (scheduler_default_matrix_vertical_line) and add only the desired ones:

1. Create a custom grid cell class with { border-right: 1px solid #eee; } and add it to the selected cells using onBeforeCellRender.

2. Or use separators:

Comment posted by Bert
8 years ago.

Perfect, thanks again!

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