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Problem to load events from list of self defined objects instead of EF6 object

Asked by Oliver
8 years ago.


I am evaluating Scheduler for MVC for project. I am able to load the events from the EntityFramework table with this (shortened) code in the overridden OnFinish() method:

Events = ctx.RMSRequest.Where(r => r.AssignedDate != null && r.NegotiatedDeadline != null && (r.NegotiatedDeadline > start || r.AssignedDate < end)).ToList();

If I change it to load only some of the fields into a defined object with the following code:
Events = ctx.RMSRequest.Where(r => r.AssignedDate != null && r.NegotiatedDeadline != null && (r.NegotiatedDeadline > start || r.AssignedDate < end)).Select(r => new DayPilotEvent()
SysId = r.SysId,
AssignedDate = (DateTime)r.AssignedDate,
NegotiatedDeadline = (DateTime)r.NegotiatedDeadline,
ShortDescription = r.ShortDescription,
AssignedToSysId = r.AssignedToSysId

then I get the message that the object DayPilotEvent does not contain a property "AssignedDate".

The object is defined with:

public class DayPilotEvent
public string SysId;
public DateTime AssignedDate;
public DateTime NegotiatedDeadline;
public string ShortDescription;
public string AssignedToSysId;

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here? Any hint will be apreciated.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

It might be necessary to define the object items as properties rather than simple fields:

public class DayPilotEvent 
  public string SysId { get; set; }
  public DateTime AssignedDate { get; set; } 
  public DateTime NegotiatedDeadline { get; set; }
  public string ShortDescription { get; set; }
  public string AssignedToSysId { get; set; }

Let me know if it didn't help.

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