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Recurring events ..

Asked by Dave
9 years ago.

Dan and Team,

Is it possible with the recurring events to have an entry created in the database for each and every event in the series? I don't think that it is, I hope you can prove me other wise...

Maybe one for the future:
to implement this also have a before and after fields which create a linked list of events?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.


You can store the recurring events as separate records, no problem. In fact, this is the only solution that scales.

The built-in recurrence support lets you start with recurring event relatively quickly and it does some work for you. It will let you define the recurring events using a single record which is then expanded into individual occurrences. However, at some point it starts to become a burden - you need to load the definitions from the past to make sure the current period includes the recurring events. Sometimes you need to do SELECTs from the individual occurrences which is not possible when they don't exist in the database.

So: Storing recurring events as individual records is a viable option. You can (and probably will have to) store additional recurrence-related fields with the records in the database so you can identify them.

Comment posted by mrplatypus
9 years ago.


Thanks for coming back to me on this.
Have you any samples for describing how to achieve recurring events as separate records in the database, hopefully to point me in the right direction for also storing the additional recurrence related fields?



Comment posted by mrplatypus
9 years ago.

Dan and Team,

Please would you provide me with an example of this setup?



Comment posted by mrplatypus
9 years ago.

.. Or at least point me in the right direction? please ..

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