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Month view split day Morning/Afternoon

Asked by Alan
9 years ago.

All in tilte.

Is there a way to split the day cell in two part for morning/afternoon in monthly calendar


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Unfortunately this is not supported at the moment.

Comment posted by Anonymous
8 years ago.

any update ?

Answer posted by Graham
8 years ago.

I have managed to do this with a slight hack. If you set the business start and end hours and the cell duration you can split the day into morning and afternoon.

BusinessBeginsHour = 9,
BusinessEndsHour = 18,
CellDuration = 240,

This will give you something that looks like:

12 | 16 | 12 | 16

but you can then use JQuery to find these values and replace them with your morning and afternoon text

$("[title='16 '] > div").text("Afternoon")

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

In the Month control ( splitting the cell into two parts would be possible using BeforeCellRender by inserting custom <div> elements. That would split the day cell into two parts visually but it won't affect the event placement (they will be stacked just like before).

In the Scheduler, it's possible to customize the cell size using CellDuration (as Graham suggests) and the time header using OnBeforeTimeHeaderRender:

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