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Obtain args.div in Scheduler's onEventDoubleClicked() event handler

Asked by Jason709
7 years ago.

(v.8.2 SP10)

I am currently calling the Bubble's showHtml() method upon event double-click in the Scheduler. Is there a way to obtain the args.div like it is in onEventClicked()? It doesn't appear to be populated in onEventDoubleClicked().

dps.eventDoubleClickHandling = "JavaScript";
dps.onEventDoubleClicked = function (args) {
   var html = '...';
   new DayPilot.Bubble().showHtml(html, args.div); // <!-- How to obtain args.div in double-click?

Currently, I am using it with just the html parameter but my preference would be to also supply a reference to the div.

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