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Installation - not able to load assembly? Dependencies not found?

Asked by JR
7 years ago.


I just installed DayPilot Lite into my Visual studio 2015 using NuGet. I added the tool in my toolbox and putted a Calendar into my WebForm. Everything is pointing to my IIS folder which has a bin folder with the DayPilot.dll in it and a DayPilot.dll.refresh and App_Licenses.dll. When I want to see the result, I get an error message in my browser;

"Impossible to load the file or assembly 'DayPilot' or one of its dependency. File not found"

Ligne 3 : <%@ Register assembly="DayPilot" namespace="DayPilot.Web.Ui" tagprefix="DayPilot" %>

There must be a quick fix to this.

Thanks a lot for your help.



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