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Pro License concerned

Related article: AngularJS Hotel Room Booking Tutorial
Asked by Chuob Sok
7 years ago.

Dear Sir/Madame,
I come to interest in DayPilot of AngularJS Hotel Room Booking. Could you please let me know what is the expiration period of Pro Demo License? If I keep using the Pro Demo license of DayPilot on my web application do I violate the copyright law of the Pro License. It means that I don't mind to see the Demo Label on top header of the Scheduler Calendar. Please kindly respond to my email:
I'm looking forward to here from you soon.

Best Regard,

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

The "DEMO" label indicates that you are using the trial version of DayPilot Pro. If you want to use the Pro version you'll need to buy a license. The trial period is limited to 60 days.

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