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DayPilotMenu and ModalPopupExtender

Asked by Geir-Tore Lindsve
15 years ago.

I am using the DayPilotCalendar within a Ajax ModalPopupExtender. I am trying to show a contextmenu, but it is displayed below my ModalPopupExtender (and also behind the background css for the ModalPopupExtender. Any idea how to solve this? I've tried to put the DayPilotMenu within a div with a specified (and high) z-index without luck...
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
Have you tried placing the DayPilotMenu control after the modal Panel in the ASPX page?
Comment posted by Geir-Tore Lindsve
15 years ago.
No, I haven't. The actual line-up is that I have the calendar within a usercontrol which then is placed inside a modalpopupextender.
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