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Javascript error 'previousSibling' is Null or is not an object.

Asked by Anonymous
16 years ago.

Hi! I'm getting this error when double clicking on a calendar row.

Here' s me declarative code :

<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="DayPilotCalendar1" DataStartField="Start" DataEndField="End"
DataTextField="Title" ForeColor="#003300" DataValueField="ID" runat="server"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#003300" DayFontFamily="Verdana" EventBorderColor="#003300"
EventFontFamily="Verdana" EventLeftBarColor="#D5E844" EventBackColor="#E4EF90"
HourBorderColor="#ffffff" HourFontFamily="Verdana" HourHalfBorderColor="#D5E844"
HourNameBackColor="#003300" HourNameBorderColor="#D5E844"
NonBusinessBackColor="White" TimeFormat="Clock24Hours"
EventFontColor="#003300" HeaderFontColor="White" HourFontColor="White"
BusinessEndsHour="17" EventDoubleClickHandling="PostBack"
LoadingLabelText="Chargement..." ScrollLabelsVisible="False"
TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling="PostBack" />

Can you help me with this please? Thanks

Comment posted by Vaishali
16 years ago.
I get the same error.. I have EventDoubleClickHandling="Disabled"
Comment posted by JinBaba
16 years ago.

Can anyone tell if its a known bug? If yes, has it been fixed in the latest(???) release?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

I confirm the bug. It will be fixed in DayPilot Pro 5.1.

Comment posted by Dan
15 years ago.

Hello there, we are trialling DayPilot Pro with a view to purchasing it (need to get this project finished by the end of the month!)

I am still getting this error 'previousSibling' is null or not an object when double clicking on a time range with the context menu enabled.

Is this definately fixed in the full version?



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

This bug has been fixed in 5.1 release and I'm not able to reproduce it since then.

What's the version you are using? Does it appear in the online demo as well (

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