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BUG Report: Resizing an multiple day event

Asked by neokglitch
16 years ago.

Wenn I resize event 16 which spans multiple days the end date get set to the begin date of the event.
Youll see what I mean wenn you resize event 16 to 10pm.

Comment posted by neokglitch
16 years ago.

Any news on this bug?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Now I see. The dragging of the interim event end or start (at the day brake for multi-day events) shouldn't be allowed. It got broken in one of the recent releases. I will fix it.

Thanks for reporting the problem!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

The fix will be included in DayPilot Pro 5.0 SP1.

Comment posted by neokglitch
16 years ago.

Thnx for that bug fix but that isnt the bug i was talking about.

I'll tryto be more clear this time :P

go to:

if you resize event 16 at the starttime all goes well.
butt if you resize event 16 at the <b>endtime</b> the event endtime will get the date of the starttime.

just resize the event 16endtimefrom 10/17/2008 09:00 AM to 10/17/2008 12:00 PM and you will see that the enddate will get set to 10/15/2008 12:00 PM instead of10/17/2008 12:00 PM.

i hope this is clear enough :P

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Yes, thanks. It's fixed now. The fix will be included in DayPilot Pro 5.1.

Comment posted by NeokGlitch
16 years ago.

Thnx, keep it up

Hope you will fix the other bug also in 5.1:

image in anevent can be used to drag an event.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Not in 5.1 but I'm adding it to the list.

Comment posted by NeokGlitch
15 years ago.

Hi Dan,

You fixxed the following bug in de Calender:
Now I see. The dragging of the interim event end or start (at the day brake for multi-day events) shouldn't be allowed. It got broken in one of the recent releases. I will fix it.

Is this feature also available in the scheduler?

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