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Place DayPilotNavigator in separate contentpanel from Calendar?

Asked by Dan
15 years ago.

Is this possible?

The page has a master page with two content placeholders, one for the main page content and one underneath the nav menu on the left - I'd like to place the DayPilotNavigator control here.

It seems that I can only bind the navigator to the calendar if they are in the same content panel - i get the following: System.ArgumentException: The control specified in BoundDayPilotID is not a bindable DayPilot control.

Any ideas?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

This is how ASP.NET is working. Reaching control in a different container is difficult. However, DayPilot is binding it through the client-side JavaScript code so it should be easy to overcome.

I will add an option to bind using the ClientObjectName. That will allow cross-container binding but without the object checks.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

It's now available (build 5.5.1771).

You can use BoundDayPilotClientObjectName property of DayPilot Navigator to assign the ClientObjectName of the bound control directly.

Comment posted by Didier Rodriguez
14 years ago.
I had writed BoundDayPilotClientObjectName property but the Navigator doesn't work. What other thing must I do? My Code: DayPilot:DayPilotNavigator ID="DayPilotNavigator1" runat="server" selectmode="Week" showmonths="3" cssclassprefix="navigator_silver_" dataendfield="rend_date" datastartfield="rstart_date" onvisiblerangechanged="DayPilotNavigator1_VisibleRangeChanged" visiblerangechangedhandling="CallBack" BoundDayPilotClientObjectName="dpc1" daypilot:daypilotcalendar id="DayPilotCalendar1" runat="server" dataendfield="rend_date" datastartfield="rstart_date" datatextfield="task_ldesc" datavaluefield="task_id" datatagfields="task_type_color_sdesc,task_color,member_id,finalized_bool" Days="7" ClientObjectName="dpc1" onrefresh="DayPilotCalendar1_Refresh" OnCommand="DayPilotCalendar1_Command"
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

There was a bug which is now fixed (build 5.5.1788, see the sandbox). Thanks for the bug report.

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