Hello again, Is it possible to have a click event or context menu on the resources in the left column?
Grtz Ralph.
Neither is available ot of the box (yet).
You could however rewrite the header using BeforeHeaderRender (by modifying e.InnerHTML) to render your own HTML (e.g. a div with onclick defined).
is it possibile to have resource tree collapse/expand events?
I would like to show all children events collapsed to the parent line when the user collapse the node.
thank you.
I've added it to the specification for the next release (DayPilot Pro 5.6).
Please add a click event or context menu on the resources in the left column, so user can add resource child from pop up window.
Is this something that may find it's way into a future release? Would be quite handy.
Yes, a context menu for the row headers will be added soon.
Dan, Thank you for added resource click event in the scheduler, it's very helpful. Only small issue is when click + to expand tree child, it also fires click event, it would be great if it can be fixed in next version.