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Last day of Printing period

Asked by Kamil Zegadlo
15 years ago.

I am using DaypilotScheduler. First generate on WebSite, next print to file. My problem is:

DayPilotScheduler on web site is correct. But whenI used:

MemoryStream img = DayPilotScheduler1.Export(ImageFormat.Png);
FileStream fs=new FileStream("c:\\a.png",FileMode.Create);
byte[] data = img.ToArray();
fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

my images doesn't content last day of period.

For example i have chart, from 13.01.2010 to 28.01.2010. In web site is correct 15 days. In image it's 14 days. It's end ne day before it should. Continuing: 2 etaps. irst 13.01.2010 to 21.01.2010 and second from 21.01.2010 to 28.01.2010. First etapon Web Site and Image is correct. Second etap during from: 21.01.2010 to 27.01.2010,should to 28.01.2010.

Am i Doing something wrong or this is bug?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

It should always print at least the cells that are visible.

  • If you are using Width in pixels (Width="500px") the exported width it should match the visible time range exactly. If you scroll to the very right it will print one extra cell (corresponding to the vertical scrollbar width).
  • If you are using Width in percent (Width="100%") it exports the respective part of the total time range.

If it doesn't correspond to these rules, could you please send a sample project/page that reproduces the problem to

Comment posted by Kamil Zegadlo
15 years ago.

Ok, two screens:

1. First how it looks on web:

2. Second how it looks after print:

After print, chart end one day earlier.

Comment posted by Kamil Zegadlo
14 years ago.

Hello Dan Latecky,

this topic:

is similiar. Can you confirm that isa bug and say when it will be fixed?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

Yes, I confirm the bug. It will be fixed in the 5.9 release.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

DayPilot Pro 5.9 is now released and this bug is fixed.

Comment posted by Kamil Zegadlo
14 years ago.

Great job. Thanks.

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