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How do I enable multi-range selection by default

Answered: This can't be done at the moment, but please let me check if it could work after making some changes.

Show time header area text when hover cell

Answered: Unfortunately, this scenario is not supported at the moment.

show appointments as free time

Answered: There are two options: You can mark the unavailable parts of the timeline as disabled (see Disabled cells in the Scheduler, Disabled cells in the Calendar). If the available slots have a fixed durati...

Selection and multimove in DayPilot.Gantt

Answered: I’ve added it to the wishlist.

how do you show a custom resource tag on the resourcebubble event

Answered: The resource bubble receive a simplified resource object with basic information only. However, you can use it to load the full DayPilot.Row object like this: resourceBubble: new DayPilot.Bubble({ ...

Resize Animation. Next feature request.

Answered: I’ve added it to the wishlist.

Implement a copy-paste functionality using context menu

Answered: This is correct. The server-side Command event is fired by the commandCallBack() method (in the menu item action JavaScript).

Build a resource utilization row for .net webforms version

Answered: Unfortunately, this feature is not supported in the WebForms version.

Confirmation prompt of event resize or event move

Answered: You can find an example in the documentation, Event Moving page (expand the ASP.NET WebForms section to see it): <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler runat="server" id="DayPilotScheduler1" ... Clien...

Highlight Current Time Indicator

Answered: You can use a separator to display the current time indicator in the Angular Scheduler component: config: DayPilot.SchedulerConfig = { separators: [ { location:, ...

Time isn't sync when multiple clients at different time zone

Answered: I recommend the following approach: For the database, use GMT value. Assign the desired time zone to each user. When sending the data from the server (when displaying data) or to the server (recordin...

Time is getting lost ...

Answered: If you don’t specify the field type explicitly, the modal dialog form will use a date field when dateFormat is specified. If you want to use the full date/time value I recommend using the date/time f...

Timeline & resync events in resource view

Answered: > Any possibility to show the current timeline or highlight the current cell duration with different background in lite version? This is not supported in the Lite version at the moment. In the Pro ve...

Offsetting start/end event

Answered: The events are always rendered at locations specified by start/end. To show the event start at noon you need to specify the time as 12:00 ("2024-0307T12:00:00"). To align the event start/end during d...

DayPilot Scheduler - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lines') when deleting milestone

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.1.5891):

OnTimeRangeSelection on new version ||||How to change the arguments passed to onEventMoved/onEventResized?

Answered: > 1) On the new release, i can’t actually select a cell using left click. This was a nice nice-to-have since and now if i want to see a selected cell i have to click right. What can i do? There has b...

I Need help to use : args.areaData

Answered: When resizing the inner section, you need to adjust the args.start and args.end values in the onEventResizing event handler. This is explained in the following tutorial: JavaScript Scheduler: Warm-Up...

Feature Request For Frozen Rows

Answered: We don’t plan to add a vertical scrollbar support to the frozen rows in the Scheduler. If you want to display two independently scrolling row sections, I recommend using two Scheduler instances, like...

I need only snap to grid animation.

I don’t want my data to be altered, so i want to be able to free move my event but when released or resized, acting like snap to grid was true. What can i do?

Continuous Events

Answered: The event can’t go forever (you need to specify start and end time) but it can be very long.
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