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Add / Edit Events save to database

Asked by Jon
10 years ago.

I downloaded DayPilot lite 2.0 and I am trying to integrate it our Visual Studio 2.0 with c# project and SQL Server database to verify before we migate to Visual Studio 2012 in about 5 months. We can display events in the caledar fine in both week and day views. Is there any code snippets or samples that work and show editing of currrent events and how to enter new events. I want the user to be able to click on the event to edit with hopes of displaying a form, then user clicks save to have .net code do the database update and refresh the event on the calendar. Also allow the user to click on an empty slot to be prompted to add an event, save, etc.,. The demos and other talk of the events, but I can't get anything working in my platform. Thanks in advance!

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