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Uncaught TypeError: DayPilotMonth.Month is not a constructor

Asked by Alex
8 years ago.

My Code:

@Html.DayPilotMonth("dp", new DayPilotMonthConfig
BackendUrl = Url.Content(Url.Action("Backend", "Appointment"))

but when you open it gives me the following error Uncaught TypeError: DayPilotMonth.Month is not a constructor

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

What version of DayPilot do you use?

It looks like you have a very old version of DayPilot.Mvc.dll (something like 1.1) and use it with a newer client-side library (daypilot-all.min.js).

You always need to use both files from the same package.

Comment posted by Alex
8 years ago.

Thanks for your help. I'am very grateful. (>ñ_ñ)>

Sorry for my english

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