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Angular Scheduler: resources and events rows get desynchronized with scrollIntoView

Asked by Alexandre Menif
4 years ago.


I am using the Angular version of the scheduler with the option heightSpec: 'Auto'. As a result the scheduler expand on all the page and should not handle any vertical scrolling.

However if I use the function `element.scrollIntoView` to scroll globally to one row, the scheduler is doing some kind of internal scrolling, and the resource column get shifted, with some rows no longer visible and no longer aligned with the event area (see attached screencast).

You can also find attached a modified version of the scheduler quick start project that reproduces this issue.

Thank you.

Comment posted by Alexandre Menif
4 years ago.

All these solutions are related to the internal scrollbar of the scheduler. However in our situation we do not have an internal scrollbar (and we do not want to), since we are using heightSpec: 'Auto' in order to display all rows in the page.

Therefore, none of the suggested solutions are relevant here (and they do not work). What we need is to control the global page scrollbar, outside of the scheduler, but this breaks the scheduler as reported above.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to scroll the page using the row header this way.

If you really have to do it, you'll need to use an element from the main grid (e.g. a cell). This will keep both panels synchronized.

However, I don't recommend using heightSpec:"Auto" for a large number of resources. This effectively disables most of the rendering optimizations and you may see degraded performance.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Can you please give it a try with build 2020.1.4323?

It looks like there was a way to fix that after all.

Comment posted by Alexandre Menif
4 years ago.

I confirm that it is working with this new version. Thank you very much.

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