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Better represent events that start or end outside of the scheduler period

Asked by Vincent
4 years ago.

I was just wondering if there was an easy or built-in way to better display events that start before the scheduler's start date, or end after the scheduler's end date.

Currently, if an event started on April 20th 2020 and end on April 30th 2020, and the scheduler started on April 25th, there would be no real indication that the event is actually 10 days long. It would just look like it's 5 day's long.

When you scroll from left to right, there's a little triangle to show that the event isn't fully displayed. Could something similar be implemented for events that are not fully displayed to designate that they are longer than they appear?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Such events are marked with ".scheduler_default_event_continueleft" and ".scheduler_default_event_continueright" CSS classes (for the default theme).

At this moment, there is no style associated with these classes in the default theme, but you can add a custom style to provide a visual hint to the users.

See also:

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