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Calendar (WeekView) seprator is hiding behind Event

Asked by Kashif
4 years ago.

As shown in attached screenshot, separator red line is hiding behind the event bar. I want make separator red line to above on event bar. I was in assumption that Calendar Separator would work in same way as it is for Scheduler using property [layer = "AboveEvents" ] but somehow its not working.

Can you please let me know if its possible to get current separator to above on event?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

In the Calendar component, the current time indicator position is fixed at this moment and it is always displayed below events.

The indicator element is marked with ".calendar_default_now" CSS class (for the default theme). You can set custom z-index value to the class to make it appear on the top. The other elements of the calendar don't have any z-index value assigned - that means any z-index value will work.

Comment posted by Kashif
4 years ago.

Thanks, it worked for me.

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