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Not having startDate and days filled in in the config doesn't cause the gantt to show every task

Asked by Hicham el Allouchi
4 years ago.


When you don't specify the start date and the days in the config of the Gantt is should take the date range to show every single task. this, however, doesn't happen. instead, it takes the date range of the shortest task (I think).

I have made a small GitHub repo to simulate the bug

as you can see there. the parent task has a range from 01-01 till 01-31 and the child has a range from 01-10 till 01-15 but the Gantt only shows 01-10 - 01-15. (and apparently changes the dates of the parent)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

The parent tasks can either use fixed start/end values or values calculated from the children (which is the default mode).

You can switch the mode using "taskGroupMode" property:

Let me know if it didn't help.

Comment posted by Hicham el Allouchi
4 years ago.

Hello Dan,
Thanks for the quick answer.
changing taskGroupMode to manual did 90% of the effect I wanted. However, if the child has an end date that exceeds the parent, it will not be shown in the Gantt.

I have updated the GitHub with the example.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

The logic is now updated in the latest sandbox build (2020.2.4480) and it takes the children into account as well.

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