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Conditional Moving/Resizing

Asked by Simon Waters
17 years ago.

First of all, I think this is an excellent control - so much so thatI have replaced the Infragistics WebSchedule controls and have purchased this instead!

I have a suggestion to extend the moving and resizing features, which is to allow moving and/or resizing on individual events while others are 'locked'.

I don't know if this is feasible but would be very useful.

Keep up the good work...

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Thanks for the compliments, Simon.

I see three ways to achieve it:
  1. Forbid moving/resizing in the event handler on the server. That's possible at the moment. However, this won't give the user any clue that it's not allowed.
  2. Allow moving/resizing individually in BeforeCellRender event based on your own rules.
  3. Call custom JavaScript on mouse hover to check if it's allowed or not.
I'm in favor of #2 rather than #3. It's easier to write the custom code on the server and I can't imagine anything that would be possible only on the client-side (except of checking the state of some other element).

I will analyze it a little bit and add it to the roadmap.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
The possibility to forbid events for individual events (in BeforeCellRender handler) is now available in DayPilot Pro 3.7. It's an implementation of #2.
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