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Drag/drop long booking at viewport edge

Asked by Tan Dinh
3 years ago.

Hi Team,

I faced an issue when use drag/drop feature with a long booking that it not full display in current viewport.

In this project, we create a custom timeline for daypilot by allow user select start date/end date, we will generate the scheduler fit with screen width.

Drag/drop feature work well if the booking full display in viewport but if it is a long booking (a part of booking not show in viewport), we have a problem as gif image below.

Please give me advice

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

If you use a timeline with gaps between cells or adjust the event length for non-business hours (eventMoveSkipNonBusiness) you should forbid moving events that cross the Scheduler grid edge. The Scheduler doesn't have enough information about how the timeline/business look outside of the current timeline and it uses a simplified calculation.

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