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Force resource column of two schedulers on the same page to have the same width

Asked by Steven
2 years ago.

I have two schedulers on the same page, the first scheduler has some extra columns fields in the rowHeaderColumn. I've managed to lock the scrolling of the two schedulers, but the width of the resource column is different. I can manually drag the column divider of the second scheduler to make it the same width, and thus make the schedulers align, but I want them to be aligned automatically. I've tried setting the rowHeaderWidth property of both schedulers to the same value, but this doesn't seem to have any impact. Any suggestions?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

You'll need to turn off the "row header width auto-fit" feature (it adjusts the column width dynamically based on content):

Comment posted by Steven
2 years ago.

Thanks for the lightning fast response! It works now.

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