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DayPilot default css styles

Asked by Anton
2 years ago.


we use the scheduler/gantt with our custom theme (DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2022.2.5272).
Everything seems to be ok, but our Content Security Policy blocks inline execution of scripts and stylesheets (DayPilot default css styles).

Is it possible to configure/extract the default css styles registration from .js to the separate .css/.less files?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

You can generate a custom theme using the Theme Designer:

The default settings will generate a theme that corresponds to the built-in theme. You can include the generated CSS file using a <link> tag.

Comment posted by Anton
2 years ago.

We use already the custom theme. As described above, we get error during registration of the default (built-in) CSS styles. Is it possible to disable that?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

You can disable it by setting the value of DayPilot.Global.defaultCss to true (before you load DayPilot JS):

var DayPilot = {
  Global: {
    defaultCss: true
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