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Gantt View: scrollable context menu or a button to expand

Asked by Bikram Jeet Singh
1 year ago.

I've a context menu with a lot of items (a very long list).
Is it possible to set a maximum height for the scrolling or a button to expand the context menu.

I tried setting the maximum height and overflow to auto, it kind of worked, but the the position of the child menu doesn't get aligned (attached screenshot).


Comment posted by Bikram Jeet Singh
1 year ago.

currently I am using CSS-Modules. Couldn't find the resource for setting the cssClass to the menu. how can we set the cssClass?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

At this moment, the vertical scrollbar is not implemented. Just adding the CSS isn't enough as the calculated height needs to be taken into account.

I recommend splitting the long list into several groups, either by logical categories or alphabetically by the starting letter.

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