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Render overnight events in scheduler

Asked by Xavier
9 months ago.

Hi, we have a situation in the scheduler where events start at 23h30 and finish the next day, but our users expect that event to only by shown the next day rather than on both days. In the other case, where the event starts at 15h and finishes just after midnight we should show it only on the first day.

We have the schedulers setup to show a single cell per day, so events show the entire cell.

Is there any easy way to get this behaviour?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 months ago.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. The event box can’t be made shorter than the real event duration.

In this case, you would have to adjust the event start/end before loading it in the Scheduler.

Comment posted by Xavier
9 months ago.

Ok thank you Dan! That’s the solution I had in mind if all else failed.

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