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DayPilot.Gantt - Change/modify links on render?

Asked by Leo
7 months ago.

Hi there,

in DayPilot.Gantt, is there any possibility to influence for example link colour before rendering it?

Something like onBeforeLinkRender?

We’d like to highlight links in red where the “to” task starts before the “from“ task finished.

Many thanks!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

At this moment, there is no special onBeforeLinkRender event.

However, you can set the properties directly in the data source. You can customize the look using properties like color, style, and cssClass (see the API docs):

const links = [
     from: 1,
     to: 2,
     color: "#00cc00",
     cssClass: "my-link"
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