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DayPilot.Calendar - multimove items

Asked by Leo
6 months ago.

Hi there,

in the Scheduler, we can move multiple items at the same time by accessing args.multimove in the onEventMoving event. Is something similar planned or possible in the DayPilot.Calendar?

Also, it seems the onClickEvent of the DayPilot.Calendar can only detect whether ctrl or meta was clicked, but not shift? It would be great to detect clicks with shift as well, in order to give users the same flexibility across various types of DayPilot. Are there any plans for this?

Many thanks! :)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 months ago.

Yes, support for moving multiple events at once is in the plan.

The args.shift property is now available in onEventClick since the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5773).

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