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Existing event as droptarget in drag & drop

Asked by Andreas
15 years ago.


I'm trying to implement a functionality that will connect an event to some external info/data. I have a list containing the data that should be connected. An item in the list is dragged to an event in the calendarand dropped on the event.

I want to be able to retrieve the target event in the MoveEvent handler. Is this possible?

At the moment I'm fetching the event from the database based on the NewStart value, but many events can have the same start value. I need to know the exact event.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

There was a discussion about this scenario some time ago.Ewart Nijburg suggested using OpenRico framework:

You can probably do it using plain JavaScript as well. But the trick is to use a different drag&drop mechanism than the built-in external event move.

This is an interesting use case and I would like to write a tutorial about it soon.

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