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How do I use the Daypilot Navigator to update the contents of DataList

Asked by Colin
15 years ago.

Hi, sorry if this has already been covered, I can't find the same question posted.

I'd like to use the DayPilot Nav and when the user clicks on a Date, I would like the DataList that I have beside it to update. Is this possible? If yes, just needed to be pointed in the right direction.

Thanks, Colin

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

If a plain PostBack is enough, you can switch TimeRangeSelectedHandling to "PostBack" and it will fire TimeRangeSelected event on the server side.

You can also handle it manually using JavaScript by setting TimeRangeSelectedHandling="JavaScript".

Comment posted by Colin
14 years ago.

Perfect, thanks very much.

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