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hide non business hours with fixed height Calender

Asked by Bhavesh Patel
14 years ago.


I am using DayPilot 5.6.1820.0 Pro version. I have DayPilotCalender(DPC) with HeightSpec="BusinessHoursNoScroll" and BusinessBeginsHour="6" and BusinessEndsHour="22". I have events of 10 to 20 mins for everyday for abovespecified time.

Now my problem is DPC is becoming too long that when user scrolls down(IE Scrollbar)to view event at 8:00PM, User can't see the Header (Date). So i tried all possible values from here and none gave me desired result. What I want is to keep non business hours hidden(Hide 00:00 to 6:00 & 22:00 to 24:00 completely as there is no events on that time range)and still shows scrollbar with header floating. Is this even possible with current version? Is it possible in any new version?

Please do reply


Comment posted by LouLou
14 years ago.

I want the same thing to - I have a massive calendar but only need about a third of it!!

Comment posted by LouLou
14 years ago.

Hi - I got a result that worked for me with


It auto scrolls to the hours I need and keeps the headers at the top

Hope that helps

Comment posted by Bhavesh Patel
14 years ago.

Thanks for your reply LouLou. I can achieve result like you by just specifying below :


But my issue is not autoscrolling to the earliest event of the day, I need to hide NonBusinessHours(Hide 00:00 to 6:00 & 22:00 to 24:00 completely as there is no events on that time range) and still show the scrollbar with header floating.

Dan Letecky, can you please put some light on it? Is it even going to possible in any upcoming release?


Comment posted by LouLou
14 years ago.

hi - doesn't this do it?


Comment posted by Bhavesh Patel
14 years ago.

Nope. It won't work. I tried that already.

It will ignoreHeight="700" property and hide scrollbar. Have a look at this . It clearly says when HeightSpec="BusinessHoursNoScroll" then Scrollbar: hidden ..

Issue is still open, anyone?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

There is no trick to do this at the moment. However, since this is a common request, I would like to add it in one of the future releases. I need to check how difficult the change is.

At this moment you can change the first visible hour using DayBeginsHour but it will still show the following 24 hours. What you would need is something like DayEndsHour to limit the visible range in addition to the viewport area defined using BusinessHours* and HeightSpec="BusinessHours".

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

DayEndsHour property will be available in DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET 6.5 release:

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