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Results for events x monday

Recurring Events which occur like: on 2nd monday of the month...

Hi Dan and Team, I've seen in your forums, requests for supporting rules such as: "Recurring Events which occur on second Monday of the month".. ht...

Daypilot calendar recurring events support "every x monday of the month" ?

Answered: Unfortunately such rules are not supported by RecurrenceRule class at the moment. The only solution is to pass the occurrences expanded in the datasource.

Does recurring events support "every third monday of the month" ?

I'm looking at the DayPilot calendar control for a client project. The recurring events feature works very well, but I can't find any documentation on scheduling a recurring event on the 'x' day of e...

Does recurring events support "every third monday of the month"?

Answered: Unfortunately, this rule is not supported using the built-in recurrence mechanism at this moment.

OnEventMove waiting on modal response -- cancel response breaks scheduler

Answered: By calling setTimeout() in onEventMove you create a new JavaScript message that will be processed later as the JavaScript event loop continues (see also
Questions 1-5 of 5