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Questions Tagged scheduler


Answered: The full project is attached - you can download it at the top of the article using the “Download Source” button (below the main screenshot).

Using Row Spans for Resource Names in Tabular Mode

Answered: To implement this, you can use the split resources feature:

How to resize row header column on touch devices

Hello, Can the width of the Scheduler's Row Header Column be configured to allow resizing on touch devices? Additionally, when rowHeaderScrolling is set to true and the splitter is displayed, is it p...

location is not changing

Answered: It looks like there is bug in the onchange event handler. An updated version will be released soon.

How to use angular component in bubble HTML

Answered: Sorry for the delay! There is a tutorial that shows how to insert an Angular component to the bubble. Angular Scheduler: Dynamic Tooltip It is necessary to instantiate the component and add it to the...

Part Time employees

Answered: You can mark specified days as disabled using onBeforeCellRender in the Scheduler component. This method is used in the tutorial to disable weekends: onBeforeCellRender: (args) => { const day = ar...

Scheduler - How to switch between dark and light themes

Answered: You can switch the CSS theme using the update() method: dp.update({theme: "my_dark_theme"}); And back: dp.update({theme: "my_light_theme"}); Both theme files need to be included in the page using <li...

Dynamic disabled cells in scheduler

Answered: You can customize the drag-and-drop moving behavior using the onEventMoving event handler. It lets you forbid the drop depending on the source event and the target position.

Font color for event name

Answered: You can customize the row header using the onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler.

Daypilot resource forecolor

Answered: You can customize the row header using the onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler.

Daypilot Freeze Top Row

Answered: I assume you mean the Scheduler component. It is possible to freeze the specified rows - please read more in the Frozen Rows documentation topic.

Scheduler - How to cancel event moving after server call

Answered: You should always call args.loaded() after switching to async processing (args.async = true). Like this: onEventMove: (args) => {     args.async = true;     this.moveItem(args)       .subscribe(re...

How To Update Separators?

Answered: You can use the update() method: scheduler.update({separators}); If the Scheduler detects that only {separators} property is in the update params, it will perform an optimized update and only refresh...

Display additional header column over multiple dates

Answered: You can add custom elements to the time header using active areas (demo): You can either create a special row for this bar or add it to an existing row.

Can your products allow us to re-create this Scheduler/Timeline view?

Answered: Yes, this should be no problem. I’m including a couple of screenshots and links to features that will help you implement what you need: 1. The timeline can be customized as needed. If the built-in un...

How to edit Queue items

Answered: To edit the queue items, you can add another item (“Edit”) to the context menu: It will open a modal dialog with task details: This context menu can be defined like this: queueConfig: DayPilot.QueueC...

How to change the time frame to span from 9 AM to 9 PM only (React Scheduler)

Answered: If you use scale: "Hour", which displays one hour per cell, you can hide the non-business hours using the built-in mechanism. React example: import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { DayPilo...

Task time selection may get wrong then How to reselect it ,by deleting before task time in UI. And how to save it in server and local storage as data.

Hey!! Thanks for kind help by providing this doc. I have to customize it for purpose of self learning. Hope forums gonna help me out for this. Recently ,I have doubt which I posted “Task time selecti...

How I can modify resources? If I don’t need group?

Answered: If the events don’t display correctly, you should check the id of the resources (resources[].id) and the resource of events (event.list[].resource). Events are only displayed in a row if these value ...

How can I change the name of the event groups?

Answered: You can set custom HTML displayed by the group using onBeforeGroupRender event: onBeforeGroupRender: args => { = ...

Working Hour

Answered: You can customize the business hours using businessBeginsHour and businessEndsHour propertes. See also:


Answered: It is only available as a package. You can find the pricing details at the Buy page ( If you have any questions regarding licensing or if you need a PDF quote, p...

JavaScript Scheduler Model Custome date selection

Answered: You can use the "dateFormat" property of the date field: const resources = [ {name: "Resource A", id: "A"}, {name: "Resource B", id: "B"}, {name: "Resource C", id: "C"}, ]; const form ...

How to load resources from an API and display them as rows in the scheduler?

Answered: You can load resources from an API like this: async componentDidMount() { const {data} = await DayPilot.Http.get(`/api/resources`); this.setState({resources: data}); } The returned d...

Scheduler - Frozen rows are not processed in onRowFilter

Answered: Frozen rows are now supported by the row filter in the latest sandbox build (2023.1.5544). The documentation is updated as well:

tennis club

im making a website about tennis club using php i dont know how to do it please help me

Scheduler - How to set row header columns to a very compact width

Answered: By default, the Scheduler only extends the width automatically (to fit the text). If you want to show narrower columns, you can either enable shrinking (rowHeaderWidthAutoFitShrink) or set a smaller ...

Scheduler - How to align the text in the row header columns

Answered: You can use onBeforeRowHeaderRender event ( to set the horizontal alignment: onBeforeRowHeaderRender: args => { args.row.colu...

Scheduler - Fix row header columns during horizontal scrolling

Answered: Unfortunately, this would be an enormous effort and the result would be very complex UI - so I don't see a way to add this at the moment.

Scheduler - Stacking of Overlapping Events

Answered: Do I understand it correctly that although there are three events in the screenshot you define six events? Events are rendered in the in the order determined by the default sort order. You can also d...
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