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Questions Tagged scheduler

Date wise Header but data rows breaks into two lines.

Answered: Thank you for posting the screenshot:

how i can change the slots to be 15 min replace of 60 min ?

Answered: You'll need to change the "SlotDurationMinutes" value in the Timeline class. using Project.Models; namespace Project.Service { public class Timeline { public static int Slo...

Scheduler - Add text at the bottom of a day

Answered: Yes, you can add it using onBeforeCellRender. Try something like this: onBeforeCellRender: args => { args.cell.areas = [ { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, text: "...

Scheduler - How to show tooltip on hover over active area

Answered: This syntax is correct and it seems to work fine. However, the screenshot doesn't correspond to the sample code - "left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0" will fill the whole cell. So you might want to...

Scheduler: New line is inserted after pressing Enter twice

Answered: It looks like the new event is not focused properly after it is created. The focus remains on the background grid cell. I recommend checking the onTimeRangeSelected handler - make sure that the new e...

Loading events from multiple sources (onto Scheduler)

Answered: You need to make two requests manually and merge the results into a single array. The following example uses two parallel requests, waits until both return a result and update the Scheduler: const ...

php hotel room booking

Answered: You can find the licensing options at the Buy page:

Wrong behaviour when navigating using keyboard API after entering inline editing mode

Answered: The event updates are performed asynchronously so that all updates performed in the same code segment can be merged and performed at once. That applies to the default edit action (including onEventEd...

Scheduler - Keyboard API causes an error when changing resources and events

Answered: In the latest sandbox build (2022.2.5266), the Scheduler will try to refocus the same target (cell based on start and resource, event based on ID) after update. If the target isn't available in the u...

Changing cellWidth moves the rowHeaderColumns to the most left

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.1.5262). Please let me know if there is any problem.

JSON error in file: daypilot-all.min.js

Answered: This happens if the PHP backend returns an error instead of a JSON response. I recommend checking the backend HTTP request using browser developer tools. The response will contain an error message wh...

Adding values of events than counting in Group Availability

Answered: This example will calculate a sum of values stored in a specified event field ("val"): onBeforeCellRender: (args) => { if (args.cell.isParent) { const field = "val"; const children =...

Re-Calculate Totals row when a row is deleted

Answered: The cells in rows marked with "cellsAutoUpdated: true" will be updated on every change, including a row removal. You might want to review and update the calculation logic. The tutorial (https://code....

Scheduler: How to disable rowheadercolumn resizing?

Answered: This is a divider between row headers and the main Scheduler grid. At this moment, it is always resizable when you enable row header scrolling:

Setting rowHeaderWidthAutoFit to true doesn't work if rowHeaderColumns ist set

Answered: The width auto-fit feature works with row header columns as well, but the width is calculated for the content cells (not for the column titles).

How set the scale resp. the zoom automatically on the number of days

Answered: The built-in zoom system (see the tutorial at lets you specify the values either statically or using a function. If you use a function you w...

Need html5-hotel-room-booking-javascript-php in react version

Answered: To learn how to use the React Scheduler component please see the following tutorial: The React version of the hotel tutorial is not available ...

How to add a database and script to handle public holidays.

Answered: There is a tutorial available that shows how to display holidays (by setting a custom scheduler cell background color): I beli...

Facing full screen mode issue on Scheduler timeline.

Answered: When the content doesn't fill the whole space vertically, the Scheduler displays an empty space. I see that you are using a custom CSS theme - you'll need to update it so the space below the content ...

Custom CSS class for a resource

Answered: You can use onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler to add a custom CSS class: Example: JavaScript dp.onBeforeRowHeaderRender = function(a...

Binding Jquery datatable with vue scheduler

Answered: It is possible to activate any DOM element as draggable to the Scheduler. If you have access to the row items in the jquery datatable then you can using DayPilot.Scheduler.makeDraggable() method to a...

How do you make more than one employee run the same shift

Answered: Yes, there are many different scenarios that are not covered by this sample. To add more people to the same time and location, you can choose a solution depending on the workflow: 1. To allow more as...

scheduler expand collapse animation control

Answered: You can disable the animation using treeAnimation property:

How to format timeheader "Week"

Answered: Yes, you can do it using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler: import {Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core'; import {DayPilot, DayPilotSchedulerComponent} from 'daypilot-pro...

Change Arrow Icon on Links

Answered: The link arrows are 6px * 6px elements marked with the following CSS classes: scheduler_default_link_arrow_right scheduler_default_link_arrow_left scheduler_default_link_arrow_down scheduler_default_...

How to show custom loading indicator during rendering

Answered: Usually, you'll want to display the loading indicator when you initiate an HTTP call that loads the data. This way it will cover the whole waiting time.

How to highlight the row header (resource) after range selection

Answered: You should take a look at the dynamic onTimeRangeSelecting event: It will let you highlight the current resource using args.row.addCl...

How to set a custom class on Bubble in Angular project?

Answered: You can set a custom CSS class using the config: const bubble = new DayPilot.Bubble({ theme: "mybubble", // ... }); All CSS classes used in the bubble will be prefixed with "mybubble_" ins...

How to hide resources without events

Answered: Please take a look at the following tutorial:

Erro no carregamento Atividade filho

Answered: A imagem está correta, a atividade que está no Píer 1 lado Mar está com início no dia 03/08/2021 as 00:00 hora, isso só está acontecendo quando ela vai para o evento filho, se essa mesma atividade fo...
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