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How To add more than one datafield to DayPilot Scheduler

Asked by Anonymous
10 years ago.

DayPilotScheduler1.DataStartField = "strtDT";
DayPilotScheduler1.DataEndField = "endDT";
DayPilotScheduler1.DataTextField = "Milestone";

here i added one datafield "Milestone" to DayPilotScheduler..but i want to add more datfields(except start n end date) to please suggest me how to add it...i tried it by giving one concatinated string of all my fields..but its not working..
my datafield from database are start date,end date,description,start time ..end please suggest me how to do it..i want to show those details on left hand side of scheduler..

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

You can add extra fields using DataTagFields. It accepts multiple field names, separted by a comma.
But you don't need to explicitly add these fields - you can access the original event object using e.DataItem in BeforeEventRender.

Since build 7.4.2922 you can access e.DataItem in BeforeResHeaderRender in Gantt mode ( so you can use it to fill the additional row header columns.

You can download this build in the sandbox:

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