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Angular Schedular Event links

Asked by Nick
9 months ago.

Hi all,

I have 2 questions regarding events links in the DayPilot schedular.

  1. Is there a way to have curved lines for the links? I couldn’t find it in the documentation but was wondering if I missed something.

  2. I have a link between a milestone and a task but the link is not fully connecting as you can see in the screenshot. Can you point me in the direction on how to solve this. I expect the link should start on the right side of the milestone in the middle and not under the milestone (which is a different resource)

Thank you for the awesome work!

Comment posted by Nick
9 months ago.

Update on my own question :)

  1. This is because the first resource row is a “frozen” row. I bet there is no way to adjust the line then?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 months ago.

At this moment, it is not possible to have links between events in a frozen row and the main grid.

However, the links are due for a review, and curved links will be supported in the future. We will also check if there is a way to add support for links between frozen and standard rows.

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