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Questions Tagged how-to

Event Resizing Validation - Do not allow event overlapping even when "allowEventOverlap=true"

Answered: You can do it like this: onEventResizing: args => { const row = dp.rows.find(args.e.resource()); const events =, args.end).filter(e => !==

Hide resources panel (Scheduler)

Answered: Yes, it is possible to hide/show the Scheduler row headers using the API (rows.headerHide() and rows.headerShow() methods). You can also set the rowHeaderColumns property to an empty array to remove ...

Calendar control; showing only busniess hours

Answered: The MVC Lite (open-source) version is no longer under active development. I recommend switching to the JavaScript Lite version. The JavaScript version lets you set the Calendar height to show only bu...

Part Time employees

Answered: You can mark specified days as disabled using onBeforeCellRender in the Scheduler component. This method is used in the tutorial to disable weekends: onBeforeCellRender: (args) => { const day = ar...


Answered: I’m not sure if that’s what you mean but in the Calendar component in the Pro version, it is possible to select multiple events and then delete them using the API (use to get a l...

How to add style to cells

Answered: In the Pro version, you can use the onBeforeCellRender event handler to customize the calendar cells - you can add custom CSS class to selected cells or modify the appearance directly. Unfortunately,...

Custom onTimeRangeSelecting Start and End selection

Answered: This happens because snap-to-grid is turned on. You will need to turn it off, at least for the time range selection. There is a tutorial that shows how to customize the time range selection in real t...

Strange error on TimeRangeSelected, happening just in the new version.

Answered: This is a regression. It looks like in the Resources view, the latest version returns the column index instead of the resource id. It will be fixed shortly.

Some requests for next release

Answered: The option to turn the snap-to-grid behavior off is already implemented and it is available in the latest release (2023.4.5838). It works for event moving, event resizing and time range selection. On...

Open menu on calendar header clicked.

Answered: At this moment, there is not built-in property for specifying a context menu for the calendar headers but you can use one of the following options: 1. Use an active area with action: "ContextMenu" an...

Hour indication is not next to the line.

Answered: Sorry for the delay! The header cell is marked with calendar_default_rowheader CSS class which applies overflow: false style to the cell. In order to shift the content (hour label) out of the cell yo...

Width changes makes disaster effect on colum headers.

Answered: In the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5825), the header width is set using CSS. It doesn’t rely on the width detection anymore - that will result in a smooth animation during resizing.

Scheduler - How to switch between dark and light themes

Answered: You can switch the CSS theme using the update() method: dp.update({theme: "my_dark_theme"}); And back: dp.update({theme: "my_light_theme"}); Both theme files need to be included in the page using <li...

Event not taking full height

Answered: 1. First, check if you use the correct value for the useEventBoxes property (see Exact Event Duration in the docs). The default value ("Always") aligns the event boxes with the grid cells. 2. It coul...

Performance issues on table resize.

Answered: The calendar component doesn’t re-render events when the width changes. The resizing itself is fully handled by the browser (so there is nothing to optimize). Generally, it will take longer if the re...

During one event, I have three areas with four dates in total. Is there a way to move each date to resize the event independently?

Answered: There are two issues: 1. The action property can only have one of the predefined values (see the API docs). A drag handle that triggers resizing must use either "ResizeStart" or "ResizeEnd". 2. The a...

vertical text in the scheduler

Answered: Yes, you can use the writing-mode CSS property: .scheduler_default_event_inner { writing-mode: vertical-lr; } or .scheduler_default_event_inner { writing-mode: vertical-lr; transform: rotat...

Dynamic disabled cells in scheduler

Answered: You can customize the drag-and-drop moving behavior using the onEventMoving event handler. It lets you forbid the drop depending on the source event and the target position.

How to smoothen resize animation?

Answered: Please see my answer here:

Cells disabled not working when moving an event

Answered: This was a regression that has been fixed in version 2023.4.5772. Please let me know if the problem persists.

Listen to onEventMoving

Answered: The onEventMoved event is fired when all updates are complete, and it’s fine to use it for updating either the calendar/scheduler itself or external elements. The onEventMoving event is fired in real...

Smooth DragAndDrop

Answered: If you mean the option to turn off 'snap to grid' (as in the Scheduler), this feature is planned and will be introduced in one of the future releases.

Font color for event name

Answered: You can customize the row header using the onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler.

Daypilot resource forecolor

Answered: You can customize the row header using the onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler.

OnEventmoving and OnEventMoved drag acts crazy.

Answered: It behaves as if the Calendar component were updated in the middle of the drag-and-drop movement. You can see that the source event (which is marked with calendar_default_event_moving_source CSS clas...

How can I add space at the top and bottom between events in the Scheduler?

Answered: You can define a custom margin beneath each event with the eventMarginBottom property, or alternatively, override the CSS to introduce additional whitespace. For more details, please see the Event Sp...

Is it possible to use events with different phases to make it shape like this?

Answered: You can customize the Scheduler event appearance using the onBeforeEventRender event handler. It lets you apply custom CSS class to the event, and specify event phases using active areas. See also th...

How to increase the height of the row headers located on the left side of the Scheduler?

Answered: There are a couple of options; please see the Row Height topic in the Scheduler documentation.

How to enable horizontal autoscroll in calendar?

Answered: AutoScroll is enabled by default in the Calendar component for drag-and-drop operations (moving, resizing, and time range selection). You can set the value of the autoScroll property to "Always" to e...

Loading events from 1 month and earlier on Scheduler view

Answered: If you would like to load Scheduler events from the server during scrolling (this feature is called dynamic event loading), you need to do two things: Enable this feature using dynamicLoading: true (...
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