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Questions Tagged open-source

Changing the date in the resource calendar

Answered: To change the current date, it is necessary to update the startDate property, which is used as the default date for the columns (if they don’t specify a custom date). You can find an example here: Ne...

Timeline & resync events in resource view

Answered: > Any possibility to show the current timeline or highlight the current cell duration with different background in lite version? This is not supported in the Lite version at the moment. In the Pro ve...

How to prevent even dragging and resize on selected events

Answered: Drag and drop In the Lite (open-source) version, you can only enable/disable drag and drop for all calendar events using eventMoveHandling and eventResizeHandling. In the Pro version, you can disable...

newResourceId is undefined on event resize

Answered: There is no args.newResource available in onEventResize as the resource doesn’t change during resizing. You can access the event resource ID using args.e.resource().

Backend events are not loaded in the resource calender

Answered: Thanks for the update! The problem is the type of events.resource_id database field. It is incorrectly set to varchar instead of integer. Older versions of PHP/PDO converted integer values to string ...

Gantt chart

gantt chart attech in c#?


Answered: I’m not sure if that’s what you mean but in the Calendar component in the Pro version, it is possible to select multiple events and then delete them using the API (use to get a l...

Use with ASP.Net Core 6

Answered: Yes, no problem. DayPilot is a purely client-side solution so you can use it with any backend. This example includes a .NET 7 project but you can use the same source code with .NET 6 as well. You jus...

Demo does not work

Answered: Thanks for reporting the issue! The current date is changed using the onTimeRangeSelected event of the date picker (Navigator): const navigatorConfig = { // ... onTimeRangeSelected: args => { ...

Impossible to show events from my database (resource calendar)

Answered: When displaying a resource calendar (viewType: "Resources"), it is necessary to specify the resource id for events using the resource property. This value needs to match the column id exactly (includ...

Insert another textarea

Answered: You can use a custom modal dialog and add as many field as needed. Here is an example: async function modalText() { const form = [ {name: "Name", id: "name", type: "text"}, {name: "D...

How we can Update events coming from api response

Answered: I recommend checking the data that comes from the API endpoint - there might be a problem with the format (most likely the "start" or "end" properties).

multiple event

Answered: This is not supported in the Calendar component at the moment but you can take a look at the Scheduler component which can group concurrent events automatically:

Multiple event show +1

Answered: > If we have multiple event can we show +2 or +3 etc Please see my answer here: > in weekly can we change date format You can change the calen...

Example does not work

Answered: I recommend checking the HTTP call to the API (backend_events.php) in the browser developer console (Network tab). Most likely, you will see a DB-related error instead of the expected JSON array with...


Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial - it shows how to load calendar events from a database:

daypilot-pro-react package is free for React Calender Component?

Answered: Yes, the "daypilot-pro-react" package is paid. If you are looking for the free package, take a look at "@daypilot/daypilot-lite-react": The...

Alert() Replacement in TypeScript, Angular.

Answered: Please see the following tutorial:

Does this app have a feature to view a calendar showing all days of a month?

Answered: There is a monthly calendar component ( but it's not available in the open-source Java version (DayPilot Lite for Java). However, it's included in the JavaScript open-...

How can I add full calendar to Spring Boot MVC (Gradle) and Hibernate

Answered: You can take a look at this example that uses DayPilot Pro: The Maven config used in this project is very bas...

Loading calendar of other user

Answered: It's possible to access a shared calendar like this:

Getting Error "The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."

Answered: It's not clear where this error message comes from (from your server or the Exchange server). However, it looks like your server so I recommend checking the permissions in the web server configuratio...

Week Calendar. How to have events of arbitrary length

Answered: In the Lite (open-source) version this is not supported but in the Pro version you can set the behavior using useEventBoxes property. Please see more here:

'DayPilot' is not defined

Answered: Please make sure that daypilot-all.min.js is loaded before the month control initialization code [@Html.DayPilotMonth("dp",....]. If the library is not loaded at that point it will generate an error ...

when click on even

when click on event how do I load event detail in pop up, now empty pop up shows up.

how to add Switching Day/Week View

Answered: To switch the view, you just need to change the viewType value and call update(), like this: Switch to day view: dp.viewType = "Day"; dp.update(); Switch to week view: dp.viewType = "Week"; d...

Allocating a color to each event

Answered: Please see the documentation:


Answered: In PHP, you can modify the backend scripts (backend_events.php, backend_create.php) to work with your database. The DB connection properties can be found in _db.php. The MVC version defines the data ...

Exception User-Unhandled

Answered: Yes, thank you so much. I've checked in WireShark the IP address my app was trying to connect with. Then I set that address (with another port) as a proxy and suddenly it started to work. Thank you!

Read a Shared Calendar Appointments

Answered: You should be able to get connect to a shared calendar like this. Instead of: // load the default calendar CalendarFolder calendar = CalendarFolder.Bind(Service, WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new ...
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