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Is there any setting to do recurring schedule like we do in outlook

Asked by Dhiraj
7 years ago.


I am looking for scheduler same like as we have in outlook, in saw demos of daypilot, but i am not able to see recurring schedule option, Is there any setting for this? Or is there any way to implement it?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

The JavaScript version of DayPilot (which includes the Angular plugin) doesn't include recurrence support. It's a client-side technology and the recurrence has to be implemented on the server side.

However, if you implement it on the server side the scheduler will be able to display the recurring events without problem. You just need to supply one record per occurrence in the data source.

Answer posted by Dhiraj
7 years ago.

Thanks Dan

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