Active Questions
daypilot-pro-angular - Angular version 15
Answered: Please make sure that you are using the latest DayPilot Pro version. Angular Ivy is supported since version 2022.2.5344.
Cell Height for the event no correct
Answered: It the open-source version, the event box is always aligned with the grid cells. In the Pro version, it is possible to turn off this behavior (see exact event duration). The real start and end is hig...
Can i set 45 minutes meeting time in daypilot without pro version?
Answered: The duration of the time slots in the open-source edition is fixed and is set to 30 minutes in the current version. You can display 45-minute events in the calendar, but the event box will be aligned...
Why onEventDelete method delete the event from frontend when click delete?
Answered: If you want to wait for the result of an HTTP request, you need to cancel the default action using args.preventDefault() and delete the event manually using event.remove() method when the HTTP reques...
Time Range Click with multi range not working
Answered: These events are fired for the current selection (the one you click), but you can always get all selected time ranges using the multiselect.get() method. Please let me know if this is not what you ar...
How to get the event div position in daypilot
Answered: You can mark the event div with a custom attribute using the onAfterEventRender event handler: onAfterEventRender: args => {
args.div.dataset.eventId =;
} Than you can get the even...
DayPilotMonth Integration with MS Outlook
Answered: You are right, this iCalendar tutorial is a bit outdated. I’ve added your request to the tutorial plan and it should appear at soon. We don’t plan to add iCalendar support directly ...
Cannot Change View Type To "Resources"
Answered: Most likely, you are using DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET WebForms - the open source version for ASP.NET. At this moment, the resources view is supported in the open-source JavaScript version and in all P...
Consistent .makeDraggable() functionality
Answered: In the latest release (2024.4.6293), the makeDraggable() methods for Calendar and Scheduler components now use the same structure of the options parameter. remove, onDragStart and onDrop are availabl...
beforeCellRenderCaching in 'normal' calendar
Answered: Hello Dan, while I was preparing some code for this issue, I found the mistake myself… my backend data was fetched via rest call correctly, but the data was not assigned to the object, which I use in...
Changing date format on Day/Week view
Answered: You can use the locale property to apply culture-specific settings (such as date format, first day of week….). const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("calendar", {
locale: "en-au",
// ...
I don't see the event on the calendar but it is present on DB
Answered: This tutorial was created for an older version of PHP. PHP 8.3 produces warnings about using dynamic properties: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ... is deprecated in ... on line ... That dis...
Delete (x) button is not shown, when there are overlapping dates
Answered: There are multiple modes available for arranging overlapping events. If you use eventArrangement: "SideBySide", the events will be displayed with their full width always visible.
Remove Text
Answered: The DEMO label indicates that you are using a trial version of DayPilot Pro. To remove the label, you need to purchase a license.
Summing cost values stored in "tags" (
Answered: Yes, you can do it using the onBeforeCellRender event, like this: onBeforeCellRender: args => {
if ( && {
const events =
Debug code for scheduler
Answered: Meanwhile, some general debugging info: > While all functionality works correctly in the HTML window (excluding double-click, right-click, and hover interactions on both row headers and events), sing...
YearView Scheduler
Answered: Thanks, Mikolaj! There are two options: You can force a specific line in a row using the line property of an event. You can join the events virtually into a single unit using the container property -...
Scheduler watch update events
Answered: In order to detect changes performed by the Scheduler UI in Vue, you need to watch the source object. Like this: <template>
Event Calendar Delete Confirmation?
Answered: When you use an async function in the event handler, calling args.preventDefault() after await has no effect as the processing continues immediately (before args.preventDefault() gets called). You ne...
Questions 1-20 of 5063