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Calendar events are not aligned when on the same line

Answered: It looks like this is caused by the custom CSS theme that you are using. I recommend checking the margins, padding, etc. If the purpose of the CSS modification was to create a free space next to the ...

How to change css and html of Daypilot

Answered: You can use custom CSS easily - the best way is to generate a calendar CSS theme online. You can modify it manually as needed. In the open-source version, you can customize the inner HTML of events, ...

How to add "day of week" to the time header day

Answered: You can customize the calendar column headers using the onBeforeHeaderRender event handler: const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("calendar", { // ... headerHeight: 50, onBeforeHeaderRender...

UpdateWithMessage change color MessageBox from behind

Answered: It is not possible with UpdateWithMessage() but you can use Update() to send custom data to the client and display the message bar using JavaScript using a custom CSS class. Hashtable ht = new Hashta...

Jalali Calendar

Answered: The calendar works with a Gregorian calendar internally, and the Jalali/Shamsi calendars are not directly supported. However, in the resources view, the calendar shows just a single day and the date ...

Adding Holidays on for ASP.NET tutorial

Answered: In ASP.NET WebForms, you can indeed use the BeforeCellRender event. You just need to check whether the current cell falls on one of the defined holidays. Example: // Define an array of holidays priv...

weekStarts property non-functional in DayPilotCalendar

Answered: At this moment, the weekStarts property is not available in the Lite version. However, you can set a custom week start using the locale property. If there is no built-in locale that meets your needs,...

Drag Shadow disappears after dragging over updating rows

Dear Daypilot Developer While working on a project at my company which uses Daypilot Scheduler I came across this weird behaviour. For context the daypilot scheduler would dynamically load the events...

Resources Calendar does not schedule events at all

Answered: Hi Samir, With the following setup, the resource calendar will display one day on the vertical axis. As the startDate is not specified, it will use the current day for all columns/resources. <DayPilo...

How to show read only calendar

Answered: Yes, you can disable event moving using the eventMoveHandling property: { eventMoveHandling: "Disabled", // ... }

PHP Shift planning

Answered: This error has been fixed recently. Please make sure that you have the latest version (from May 21, 2024): PHP Shift Planning System (JavaScript/HTML5 Frontend, MySQL Database) If the problem persist...

Same day same time events are overlapping

Answered: Please take a look at this page: Exact Event Duration Let me know if this is not what you are looking for.

Background Color Time Wise

Answered: You can take a look at this tutorial: JavaScript Scheduler: Disabling Custom Date/Time Ranges It explains how to set color for custom time segments in the Scheduler.

cellmarginbottom seems not to work in DayPilot Lite Monthly Control

Answered: This property was not supported in the Lite version, but it is now available in the latest release: DayPilot Lite for JavaScript 2024.3.536

Inconsistent type definition of events in CalendarConfig and MonthConfig (Daily/Weekly Calendar view vs Monthly Calendar view)

Answered: > in MonthConfig it is defined as “events?: EventData;” This was incorrect, and it has been fixed now in the latest release. > CalendarConfig contains a definition for the function overload “remove(i...

DayPilot.Gantt: JS errors when moving collapsed children with paths into collapsed parents

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.5966). The Scheduler incorrectly tried to render links to events in hidden row. If there is any problem, just let me know.

Business DAYS

Answered: You can use someting like this (using the options syntax): const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("dp", { onBeforeCellRender: args => { const nonBusinessDays = [4, 5, 6, 0]; if (no...

Calendar code in Composition api

Answered: You can take a look at the following tutorial which uses the Composition API in Vue: Vue Resource Calendar (Open-Source)

Modal Button Order

Answered: The button order is fixed but you can change it using custom CSS: .modal_default_buttons { display: flex; } .modal_default_ok { order: 2; } .modal_default_cancel { order: 1; }...

Missing daypilot-react.min.d.ts declaration file in NPM package?

Answered: Seems like they added it several hours after I posted this. This is resolved and everything works perfectly!
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